torsdag 6 december 2012
lördag 1 december 2012
torsdag 29 november 2012
desire to discover
måndag 19 november 2012
If you had nothing to lose
lördag 17 november 2012
Depth of oceans
torsdag 15 november 2012
The rush & Pursuit
torsdag 8 november 2012
Because I am me.
tisdag 6 november 2012
Update as promised
söndag 4 november 2012
Doors of minds
tisdag 30 oktober 2012
Project staaaaaaaaaart!!
It'smy first videolog in a very long time so please let me get warm in front of the camera haha. I hope the uhmm and aahmms will fade away with time:)
And that will be my channel for the next 60 days:)
fredag 26 oktober 2012
Unturned stones
I have a different feeling inside me and I can't locate it. It feels happy but confused. But the biggest surprise is that I dont feel the need to understand it. I would like to, but I can live without knowing. Great, I am confusing you now. But this is exactley why some things can't be explained in any normal language. It is what I belive an expression of the language we speak in our dreams or that is reflected in our eyes, the language of the truth everyone could see, hear and listen if they opened up.
I lately felt a big change coming to my life, and I might have thought it would be something visual but as the days pass I start to realize it is something inside me. I feel a new fire inside my bones, it is warm and gives me the feeling to be not only good but the best person I could be.
söndag 21 oktober 2012
Random list
lördag 20 oktober 2012
Bye bye bodyfat
I know it will be hard to combine this hardcore training with studies and keep the energy up to be the happyme. But I will do it. I will give myself 8 weeks starting today/tonight. (more if needed of course)
Todays training was all about legs and abs. Because of the changed eating i feel full of water and its ennoying haha. But I start to see the muscles get bigger and I feel much stronger.
SO I decided to put up as much of my training+nuitrition as possible from now.
I consumed squash soop, kasein and protein shake and salmon today. Oh and 2 cups of coffee.
And a promise to myself is to force myself to drink water, tripple than what I do know.
Week 1 will look like this:
In total I will eat 8400 kcal which will be :40% proteins, 40% carbs and 20% fat
Tomorrow I will have to prepare the food for the week and tonight I will write everything down.
My training week:
Monday : 1 hour morning cardio and 2 hours basketball in the evening
Tuesday; Morning cardio/jog + strength
Wednesday; possibly basketball or otherwise strength and swimming
Thursday; Basketball 2 hours + strenght
Friday: Strength
Saturday; REST
Sunday: High intensive and low intensive training and some dancing in my room
måndag 8 oktober 2012
That is why little piggy went to ..
tisdag 25 september 2012
Freedom makes you powerful
lördag 15 september 2012
Lonesomeness is not sad but a blanch page in the story of your life
There are days I feel I need no one, that I could move to the end of the world on my own and live on a nice hill with sunny days and star filled skies and still feel happy. BUT what a lonely wolf cannot do is to live without sharing a story. And this might sound egoistic but human beings love to share their stories, some do it for a good cause others because they are so caught up by themselves.
Telling a funny story is easy but to describe a moment of depth is almost impossible to share with someone who didn’t experience the same moment.
And even if I feel confident in my writing I am awful at telling a story that is not theoretically funny. Because I feel there are reactions that haven’t been labelled with names yet so how could I tell my story with the wrong words?
It is like in the movie into the wild, when he sees the sun shine and forgives the people he cared about and realise moments are not of value if you cannot share it with the people in your life. He experienced something amazing but only had a book to put his moments in. And years later his life was shared in the whole world as book and as a movie…
But then there are friends that you don’t really have to explain anything to, who just understands. Friends you can be silent with but still talk to or talk in language you invented a second ago and still have a normal conversation.
For me the worst and the best moments are when something happens in my day life and I already can picture the conversation with my friends about it in my head. It’s the worst because they are not actually sharing the moment but the best because I know exactly how it would feel to share it.
fredag 14 september 2012
What family means to me
They say in sickness and health, I would say that in life and death you will always be my leading star. A car needs petrol, a flower needs water and sunshine but I just need you in my thoughts to survive anything. You make me stronger every day, the power in your hearts and minds fill me with harmony. It’s hard for me to put in words how great people you are. I love you for trusting me, for giving me the opportunity to develop and become the strong woman I am now. You gave me the confident to do anything and do it good. I say you and I but at the end of the day we are the same soul in separated bodies.
I walk in shoes made of Inspiration
I sense there are two types of inspiration. One is the one you get when you see pictures, videos or texts that pulls of a trigger in your bones and contributes you to sense “I can do it”. And then there is the inspiration that can catch your nature, from people to people, when you feel their courageousness and perceive the fire in their eyes so clear you get shudders. “I want to do it” I find genuine untainted inspiration in day to day life. An old woman smiling to me creates a chain reaction and I will smile to every grumpy and happy old soul I meet on the street that day.
There is a difference between inspiration and motivation, people can motivate you without inspire you but they can’t inspire you without motivating you. When I feel my inspiration is losing the spark I don’t sit down to Google images that makes me motivated. You see, these things works for short-term.. when I need inspiration I turn to people I love and they will inspire me without even knowing it. Not by advices but because they care I will do whatever it takes to not let them down.
In the same way my mum taught me how to appreciate what I have we have to dear to love what we will have. Because inspiration and motivation, I have learned, is the gap between reality and victory.
I want to thank all people who until now gave me the inspiration to take steps in deep unknown water, for giving me pure motivation and making me set all my basic values after one simple rule, to be fearless and adore the gold of the presence and not carve the past in stones to carry on our shoulders.
“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
torsdag 13 september 2012
What airplanes means to me
Travelling alone has become my passion the last 2 years. Not to only to see the famous buildings and visit the places to be in, but to live in and get to know a city inside out. The tourist routines I’ve done with my family, every summer we visited a new country and Daddy showed us all the “must sees”. But it’s not until lately I understood the real pleasure of visiting other countries.
I love the feeling to land somewhere completely new, the weird feeling of homesickness that instantly hits you because everything is new and you feel like you just were born and have to learn everything new again. But I also think that is what makes people grow, when you meet barriers you didn’t even know existed and have to dig deep in yourself to find a solution you also drag out a piece of the true inside you. And slowly you develop to the person you were meant to be as the more challenges you meet, the more you get to know yourself in all kind of surroundings.
Meeting people from different cultures and views has made me appreciate who I am a lot more than I would have done if I’ve stayed in Sweden my whole life.
Every time I return back to Stockholm after a journey I have a backpack full of experience, two handfuls of extra self-awareness and one million stories to remember.
I am a bad tourist, if no one force me I don’t visit the “must-sees”. I am more for meeting the people of the city, to get to know their lifestyle and beliefs. To eat at their favourite restaurants and be apart of their daily life and listen to their stories so I can share and take experiences. I am like a sponge that absorbs the knowledge of the people to build my values based on the world and not the safe bubble I was born in.
During my last two years I’ve met people that literally changed my life, who put me in pathways and taking directions I would never done by myself. That is why even if I sometime think so, I never really worry about the future, I know I will find the place I should be in when the time comes. I trust my instincts too much to let the future stress me out.
I am grateful for all the mistakes I’ve done in my life, all the mental barriers I had to crush and every second of suffering I’ve been trough because all that brought me to the moment I’m in now. Nothing is perfect but I’m not looking for perfection, I found happiness and peace in myself and there is yet thousands of adventures awaiting. Just take all the chances you get, let go of safety for a while and discover yourself.
onsdag 12 september 2012
Why are people scared to dream?
When we were children, visualising was informal. Telling the whole world you wanted to become an astronaut was a blessing not a curse. And then when you grew older people started to talk about the barriers in life. How hard everything is if you want to achieve something, how you have to be organised and responsible and calculate your steps..yadayada. Finally the dreams fade from fairy tales to suffer instead.
So there we were with the astronaut dream crushed not by ourselves but by others. And we started to second our abilities and slowly we became less and less dreamy and more adaptable to society.
I don’t think the problem is to get what you want; It is about knowing what you want to get. Because if you know what you want no one will be able to influence your mind set. A simple example is, let’s say you fell in love with a pair of shoes, it doesn’t matter how many shoes you see after that or how many people tries to imply their opinions on you.
And It is the same in life, when you know what you want (not what you need) you will get it.
I never failed anything I wanted so badly I could do anything to achieve it. Did you?