torsdag 15 november 2012

The rush & Pursuit

Life is not destined to get through, life is about the pursuit, the rush and most essential, the path. I recognize how we frequently set our life goals so distant in the future that we overlook what we have in our hands now. If you are reading this you have time, you have a computer and a basic awareness to get through the world of social network. You can read, you can write and you maybe even can understand. You have memories you can relate my thoughts to, you also have big goals and dreams you want to achieve. A mind that is yours and a life you can change if you wanted to.
What do we aim for? Money? Happiness? Time? Safety? Love? All of it? Why do we get bored? How can we let that happen? I often remember when I told my mum I was bored she gave me a speech about that life is not about doing things to make time go faster is about doing as much as you can and wish time could go slower. It should be like a luxury chocolate bar, something you want to eat fast but still enjoy as much as possible, because when its gone you can feel the bitter sweetness on your tongue, like a past so close you almost could grab it.
I have my days when I can watch my red carpet and wish to be somewhere else but then I know I chose this and if I would really want to go I would have left. I’m not scared to let go of safety, or break commitments I don’t want to commit to. I’ve learned to separate actual thoughts from hormones and sudden dissatisfaction caused of too many hours of sleep.

 Make sure when you cannot chew your food anymore that you still can show the world a hell of a toothless smile! Then you have a story, your story. 
-Yaya, 2012 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hej, jag heter erhan och har börjat fundera seriöst på att studera utomlands efter gymnasiet (är 17 år just nu, andra året på gymnasiet), förmodligen väljer jag England eller USA. Jag hittade din blogg via GoStudys hemsida och skulle gärna vilja komma i kontakt med dig för att ställa några frågor då jag redan efter en kort tid på din blogg redan känt att jag inspireras av dig. Därför känner jag också att jag vill höra mer från just dig om utomlandsstudier, hör gärna av dig med en mejladress kanske?, det skulle betyda jätte mycket för mig och mina framtida val! :)

    M.v.h erhan

    1. Hej Erhan skickade ett mail till dig:)!
