torsdag 13 september 2012

What airplanes means to me

Travelling alone has become my passion the last 2 years. Not to only to see the famous buildings and visit the places to be in, but to live in and get to know a city inside out. The tourist routines I’ve done with my family, every summer we visited a new country and Daddy showed us all the “must sees”. But it’s not until lately I understood the real pleasure of visiting other countries.

I love the feeling to land somewhere completely new, the weird feeling of homesickness that instantly hits you because everything is new and you feel like you just were born and have to learn everything new again. But I also think that is what makes people grow, when you meet barriers you didn’t even know existed and have to dig deep in yourself to find a solution you also drag out a piece of the true inside you. And slowly you develop to the person you were meant to be as the more challenges you meet, the more you get to know yourself in all kind of surroundings.

Meeting people from different cultures and views has made me appreciate who I am a lot more than I would have done if I’ve stayed in Sweden my whole life.

Every time  I return back to Stockholm after a journey I have a backpack full of experience, two handfuls of extra self-awareness and one million stories to remember.

I am a bad tourist, if no one force me I don’t visit the “must-sees”. I am more for meeting the people of the city, to get to know their lifestyle and beliefs. To eat at their favourite restaurants and be apart of their daily life and listen to their stories so I can share and take experiences. I am like a sponge that absorbs the knowledge of the people to build my values based on the world and not the safe bubble I was born in.

During my last two years I’ve met people that literally changed my life, who put me in pathways and taking directions I would never done by myself. That is why even if I sometime think so, I never really worry about the future, I know I will find the place I should be in when the time comes. I trust my instincts too much to let the future stress me out.

I am grateful for all the mistakes I’ve done in my life, all the mental barriers I had to crush and every second of suffering I’ve been trough because all that brought me to the moment I’m in now. Nothing is perfect but I’m not looking for perfection, I found happiness and peace in myself and there is yet thousands of adventures awaiting. Just take all the chances you get, let go of safety for a while and discover yourself. 




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