måndag 19 november 2012

If you had nothing to lose

Imagine if you had nothing to lose or knew your life would end within the next month... Wouldn’t the choices you made from that moment be braver, dangerous and much more spontaneous?  
Some people make immoral choices because they feel they lost everything important, they see no point to live a limited life and some move on to commit crimes or long-term self-destruction with drugs and alcohol as their only companion.
Yesterday it hit me that we should turn it around. We all should stop being frightened of losing the skeleton of our values and beliefs.  Because the main cores that restrict us are dignity, culture, society norms and how we were brought up. Why do people tend to get more outrageous when they consume alcohol? Because our consequence thinking gets pretentious and less significant.
I’m not saying we should now rob banks and kill each other but we should act like we were limitless. I think as much as the man who has nothing to lose is the most dangerous one also the person without limits is the most powerful one.
I’m learning each day to fight the graved in obstacles of how to live my life, I slowly allow myself to think into directions that would be reflected childish and completely unrealistic. I start to question each of my believes by destructing it to the point where I tell myself this is not an opinion I created from experience, this is something I was told.

Judging in certain ways, attitudes to people and the way of understanding the world are all opinions that lived through generations. I would like to be reborn on a grown-up bases and see everything freshly. This might sound like a journey backwards but I guess that is what I am doing by breaking my head, my heart and my soul free from opinion-chains of a past that is not even lived by me. 

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