torsdag 6 december 2012


The atlas for our personal route is time. Time is what tells us when we take a new step on our development to keep up with the lifecycle. Time states us the years, the days and the seconds since we were born. Time define when we are capable to drive a car, when we are authorised to go home from work and when the cake has the right consistent to be taken out from the oven.
We feel time control our ageing, the amount of responsibility we should carry on our shoulders. Is this right? That time pedals both worth and capacities. I would rather transform my knowledge about time how I see it and reflect life as timeless.

How to fit it in our society? It takes effort but this is something I start to see even some companies have understood. Working with flexible working hours, to make sure the job is done rather than that the 8 hours are filled with work. The outcome of achievement will probably be the same, but personally I would feel more motivation if I saw the goal more than the ticking clock.

Time gives us a reason to be stressed, to be late, and to hamper what we can from what we want to do. “I have no time” we all said that, but time is not ours to own, time has its own life and time shouldn’t be guilty for us, we should be responsible for time.
Ever had that feeling of not knowing the time and suddenly acknowledging it to get the sudden moment of landing on earth again? Because as soon as we feel lost and different we look for our map to hold on to the only thing that never changes in our eyes, the numbers that line up on our wrist, on our phone and on our walls, Time.

Do we forget how time means different for every single individual? That time can be altered on diverse parts of the world, AT THE SAME TIME? Why do we trust our every move in something that is the least reliable part of our lives? Time never run out, time never stops, it doesn’t fly away. Time is just another word for eternity. You however can run out, you can stop, you can fly away and you can choose  eternity away. I won’t. 

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