"well some people need guidelines", sure but when you want to know something you will reasearch it and you will know it by heart anyways.
Why do we have exams where we have to tick boxes? My learning does not work like that.. I learn by writing and discussing oppinions. Of course it depends on the subject, but in my case a wordcount and a grading system wont help me.
I think education should be more individual and personalised , why does my answers in a exam explain my abilities. I dont need it to show i can kick ass if i work with what i feel passionate about?
FINE I admit I dont want to read all this 4 chapters so I am trying to find an excuse by being a rebel, busted. Anyways, the day has been quite good to be a dirty grey sunday, I feel on top. Motivation for the training is still as high as yesterday and the diet is flowing. However I saved the foodshopping for tomorrows morningwalk. Mohaha! Being sneeky to trick myself is approved right?:)
Anyways back to reading.. just 70 pages left , paperthin, colorless and minimini letters.. Well well!
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