tisdag 30 oktober 2012

Project staaaaaaaaaart!!

Alright It's on!

It'smy first videolog in a very long time so please let me get warm in front of the camera haha. I hope the uhmm and aahmms will fade away with time:) 

And that will be my channel for the next 60 days:)

fredag 26 oktober 2012

Unturned stones

Are some words better unspoken? I heard that you should never leave any stone unturned. But words are powerful, can they become true as soon as they are spoken loud or are have they already affected you because you thought about them?
I have a different feeling inside me and I can't locate it. It feels happy but confused. But the biggest surprise is that I dont feel the need to understand it. I would like to, but I can live without knowing. Great, I am confusing you now. But this is exactley why some things can't be explained in any normal language. It is what I belive an expression of the language we speak in our dreams or that is reflected in our eyes, the language of the truth everyone could see, hear and listen if they opened up.
I lately felt a big change coming to my life, and I might have thought it would be something visual but as the days pass I start to realize it is something inside me. I feel a new fire inside my bones, it is warm and gives me the feeling to be not only good but the best person I could be.

söndag 21 oktober 2012

Random list

1. I’m doing this to avoid my 4 chapters to read..
2. The biggest compliment I can get is that I have been some kind of inspiration
3. I enjoy being outside in the rain if I’m not wearing make-up
4. I cant separate left from right so I named my left foot Leila and my right to Ryan
5. I like geek communities
6. I have no clue what I will be doing directly after university 
7. I hate to take baths, while many people find them relaxed I find it stressful to have the pressure to relax (wtf?)
8. I make funny faces when no one can see, just because I can.. sometimes I get caught in action
9. If I like a song I hate it the next day because ive listened to it nonstop @home @uni @gym and on my way to everywhere..
10. I eat things I’m allergic to so I can test my limits of intolerance
11. My last birthday my best friend gave me things such as Pokémon cards and a Pocahontas necklace, does my endless happiness say a lot about me?
12. It takes at least 4 tries for me to correct my autocorrect mistake

Sometimes I question education. Not the learning, I know theory and practice have a link to eachother. But I question the lines and restrictions that puts us in the very same box. Why do we have a wordcount and why does our work have to be graded? I want a feedback without a letter telling me if it is a pass or a fail. 
"well some people need guidelines", sure but when you want to know something you will reasearch it and you will know it by heart anyways. 
Why do we have exams where we have to tick boxes? My learning does not work like that.. I learn by writing and discussing oppinions. Of course it depends on the subject, but in my case a wordcount and a grading system wont help me. 
I think education should be more individual and personalised , why does my answers in a exam explain my abilities. I dont need it to show i can kick ass if i work with what i feel passionate about? 

FINE I admit I dont want to read all this 4 chapters so I am trying to find an excuse by being a rebel, busted. Anyways, the day has been quite good to be a dirty grey sunday, I feel on top. Motivation for the training is still as high as yesterday and the diet is flowing. However I saved the foodshopping for tomorrows morningwalk. Mohaha! Being sneeky to trick myself is approved right?:)

Anyways back to reading.. just 70 pages left , paperthin, colorless and minimini letters.. Well well!

lördag 20 oktober 2012

Bye bye bodyfat

So the last three weeks Ive been allowing myself to not eat too strict, more carbs and maybe a bit too much sweets:) I did it so I could lift more heavy weights in the gym but now its time to define the muscles behind all that bubbly mass!

I know it will be hard to combine this hardcore training with studies and keep the energy up to be the happyme. But I will do it. I will give myself 8 weeks starting today/tonight. (more if needed of course)

Todays training was all about legs and abs. Because of the changed eating i feel full of water and its ennoying haha. But I start to see the muscles get bigger and I feel much stronger. 

SO I decided to put up as much of my training+nuitrition as possible from now.

I consumed squash soop, kasein and protein shake and salmon today. Oh and 2 cups of coffee. 
And a promise to myself is to force myself to drink water, tripple than what I do know.

Week 1 will look like this:
In total I will eat 8400 kcal which will be :40% proteins, 40% carbs and 20% fat
Tomorrow I will have to prepare the food for the week and tonight I will write everything down. 

My training week: 
Monday : 1 hour morning cardio and 2 hours basketball in the evening
Tuesday; Morning cardio/jog + strength
Wednesday; possibly basketball or otherwise strength and swimming
Thursday; Basketball 2 hours + strenght
Friday: Strength
Saturday; REST
Sunday: High intensive and low intensive training and some dancing in my room

 yes Im sweating like a pig :) (from today)

måndag 8 oktober 2012

That is why little piggy went to ..

The definition of friendship can be designated with principles and values, from individual to soul, it is altered for one and all. Existent companionship for me is not in what way the friend is but who I am when I’m with the person.  It’s somebody who speaks when silence is the politest confrontations, someone who you think of when got trouble or when you have the best time of your life. It is someone who creates a laugh so blameless that you even giggle about it subsequently.

A real friend only shows you who you truly are, they don’t try to change you. Imagine a world where thoughts don’t have to be articulated, where words lost their significance and actions has to be taken to persist, where you are chained to feel and appreciate everything you regulated. When someone makes a world like that great to live in, then you have a friendship worth having.
There are friendships created when pain has searched a companion, some are made when good times are lived but a real friendship grows on us like a tree made of iron, breakable in storms but still remaining steady in the ground.

I don’t need a hug when I’m sad, I don’t need a cute text telling me it is going to be alright. I just need that very friend to give me a kick in the ass and tell me to deal with it. Honesty may be raw and un pretty but let’s face it, aren’t we all already exposed to enough pretending and double messages in our world? Become friends with honesty and honesty would become your friend.  

:) little piggy had fat toes...