söndag 29 december 2013

A different weather report

The subway is a place for thoughts, like a crowded room where everyone dissolves into their own spheres.  When I stride into the subway I catch myself in a bubble, I study individuals and their performances in a moment of solitary among masses.
Yesterday when I trembled in my bubble I sensed the sunshine and I felt something changed in me. I felt happier and encouraged. The winter was feeling brighter, as a contrast to the dark mornings and afternoons a new year was approaching.

I got out from my bubble and gazed around, I was not the only one who felt that way, I could see hope in the pair of eyes starring right at me. I closed my eyes and leaned against the window, the music in my ears put me into a comfortable harmony.
I thought about how people change in every season. Every winter starts joyful, there is Christmas, New Year and snow. The last slump of autumn with endless rain has given up and children are longing for Santa and adults for holidays. But when New Year ends something happens. It feels like the entire society falls into a paused era.

People shrink, holding their arms around their bodies, like they are protecting themselves from something bad. The smiles are gone and they run and rush through their days instead of walking and enjoying the time they have.  People talk less to each other, smokers do not sit anymore to converse on their breaks, the snow turns irritating and to get dressed up becomes complicated. Fashion becomes a pain rather than an asset.

Then the spring comes, slowly upgrading its presence, and people start to walk upright with a confidence they thought they had lost amongst the melted snowdrops. Strangers begin to smile to each other and colorful clothes are suddenly an option.  More people get out now, shopping and taking walks. Relishing.

The spring is the season for hopes and dreams. It the time we make plans for the summer and listen to nostalgic music that brings us back to an era of delight.  My special season has always been spring, not too cold and not too hot, flawless.
When summer is approaching there is no limit for happiness. Vacations, limited edition Ice-cream flavors, volleyball at the beach and floral dresses are a fact. School ends, people graduate and find their own ways in life. People who are in the age of 18 find themselves now growing up to make their own decision. The combination of graduation; the power of freedom and the hot sun makes our world become alive again.

But even the summer has its ends, the summer nights turn cold, and the leaves start to fade from green to orange. The season for fashion has taken its charge. Large cozy hats, mittens and fluffy sweaters are lining up in the wardrobes. I like the autumn,  to take walks in all the orange to philosophize. I love the smell of rain and glorify falling asleep as rain shutters against my window at night.  
Next stop “Marble arch”, the speaker yells. Bubble time is over and make it in time to work becomes priority.

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